7 Easy Tips To Prevent Breast Cancer Effective

Friend, health tips. Breast cancer would be one of the diseases that do not want to hear or suffered by all women worldwide. In fact, breast cancer is one of the dangerous and deadly disease for the sufferer. Another fact, one out of eight women are at risk of developing breast cancer. To prevent or reduce the risk of breast cancer should be through action by adopting a healthy lifestyle right. Then, is there any easy tips to prevent breast cancer more effectively .... ???.
According to data from the World Health Organization (WHO) on tahaun 2011 that more than 508 thousand women die worldwide as a result of breast cancer. Prevention prioritized on two things, namely by adopting a healthy lifestyle and early pendektesian against the risk of breast cancer. The method of applying a healthy lifestyle can easily be done by all women to prevent breast cancer. Health tips, the following easy tips that effectively prevent breast cancer:
  1. Begin Providing Time To Exercise. There are so many health benefits that can be obtained from the sport. And more importantly, the sport is able to degrade yourself affected by breast cancer. Morning exercise as well as more active every day are two of the most recommended.
  2. Begin Paying attention to food consumption. In this case, eating a variety of healthy foods should be a top priority. Various fruits and green vegetables contain vitamins, fiber, and high in antioxidants that are proven effective in reducing the risk of developing breast cancer.
  3. Inadequate Sleep Clock Night you. Indeed aimed night's sleep to rest physically and minds of various activities during the day. But make no mistake, for those with less sleep at night are at risk of developing breast cancer is greater. Try for a good night's sleep at least 6 hours each night.
  4. Or have the Ideal Body Weight Proportional. In this case, overweight or obese can increase the risk of breast cancer for women. According to a study from the American Society of Clinical Oncology, young women who have problems with obesity are at risk of developing breast cancer were 34 percent.
  5. Stop Smoking. The habit of smoking is proven to be harmful to the health of your body. In addition, for women who used to smoke cigarettes, the risk of breast cancer is greater, according to a researcher at the American Cancer Society.
  6. Control Your Stress Levels. Increasing stress can lower your immune system. With the weakening of the immune system, the risk of breast cancer will be much greater.
  7.  Stay away Various Alcoholic Beverages. Alcoholic beverages must be very unfriendly to your body. For women who consume alcoholic beverages in the long term, then the chances of getting breast cancer will also be greater.

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