Tips and How To Perform 3-D ultrasound Right

As the development of today's technology, the development of ultrasound which typically uses black and white lines can now record while viewing from different sides of the fetus in the womb using a 3-dimensional ultrasound.Ultrasound is one way that can be done by pregnant women to determine the condition of the fetus in the womb. These devices are available in clinics, hospitals or health centers that can help you obtain information about the fetus.Do you know that this has been introduced in the 1960s by a Scottish pioneer diagnostic ultrasound named Prof.Ian Donald. The emergence of this technology greatly helps obstetricians and even this tool is not detrimental to the development and growth of janin.Hal is because originally the doctor or midwife using an X-ray or X-ray radiation that has thus damaging cells of the body.

The development of increasingly sophisticated, ultrasound examination with the results of black and white images, known as 2-dimensional ultrasound can now also be enjoyed in a 3 dimensional reconstruction to live 3D. Even in perkembannya tool used to use computer technology very rapidly in size and shape are great. Origin sized refrigerators now designed a smaller development, functional, practical and concise.Even ultrasound is very safe for the fetus, this competency include how to utilize ultrasonic waves so that more efektik. How it works frequencies above 20 KHz or 20,000 waveform per second Even the sound source with a frequency of 1-20 MHz although generally only uses 3.5 MHz to 7.5 MHz as the comparison may sound waves we hear everyday is 20-20000 Hz.

When is the Right Time For Ultrasound?Ultrasound performed on pregnant women should not be arbitrary and even the frequency of usage must be in accordance with the agreement aturan.Adapun medical team in an ultrasound is performed on the utilization of the first 10-14 weeks of gestation. This condition is to determine whether positive pregnant mothers and then to determine the location of the fetus, determine gestational age, screening for congenital abnormalities, or abnormalities double kehamiilan organs womb.The first trimester is checked whether there are signs untu see and know abnormalities that may be identified in the first trimester is dowm syndrome (DS) or not.The second examination is mandatory when the pregnancy reaches 28-32 weeks. This examination aims to detect congenital anomalies emerging at the end of kehamilan.Bahkan to menegtahui pemantauam fetal growth and fetal well-being assessment before delivery.Whereas if an ultrasound will be done once can be done by pregnant women at 20-22 weeks gestation. At the age of pregnancy is the best time to screen for congenital heart defects, fetal health and disorders experienced by the mother. 

When to Perform Time 3D ultrasound?Actually pregnant women simply choose the 2-dimensional ultrasound at the beginning and the end of the trimester of pregnancy only to pregnant women who want to see more clearly the state of the fetus and uterus, it can do 3-dimensional ultrasound.Yet more medical experts advise the mother to perform 3-dimensional ultrasound examination in accordance with any needs that when suspicions which lead to the disorder of pregnancy as well as live 3D ultrasound relatively expensive.The use of 3D live together with 3D ultrasound examination only in the form of examination of expectant mothers can be real-time or to move so as to satisfy, fun and detailed in such ibu.Dengan candidates using live 3D ultrasound can see a detailed fetal movements such as kicking, sucking mother finger and sebaginya.Even with the help of a live 3D ultrasound, the doctor can find the existence of a congenital heart defect. Walaupuns already known that the presence of congenital heart defects is very difficult to detect because the inside of the uterus after birth experience the difference.Usually mothers examined using 2-dimensional ultrasound only if doctors or medical experts find abnormalities that require further examination it will be advisable to use a 3-dimensional ultrasound or live 3-dimensional ultrasound.Only for the accuracy of pregnancy diagnosis using ultrasound is highly dependent on the competence of the examining physician. They must be certified special education to be able to diagnose more uncertain.

The importance of ultrasound examination CertificateThrough ultrasound examination should be done by medical experts that can deliver information to mothers about fetal janin.Kondisi conditions especially in the first trimester of pregnancy is normal or not even explain the completeness of anatomy, abnormalities of the fetal head, arm length, thigh length, abdominal circumference, wall stomach, weight, gestational age and others systematically.So that medical ethics who perform ultrasound examinations should be doctors who already have a certificate of competence in the field of ultrasound issued by the world body a kind of profession or WHO.Certificates for doctors who perform ultrasound examination is intended to determine the competent when doing an ultrasound, technical remember and also read the sonogram. So it is advisable for those who will perform 3-dimensional ultrasound done at the doctor who has been certified. 

Procedures and Conclusions The use of 3-dimensional ultrasound 
The use of 3-dimensional ultrasound is recommended for pregnant women identified as having defects in the first inspection using 2-dimensional ultrasound. Time for examination by a doctor is recommended according to need examination. 3-dimensional ultrasound examination can be more than twice the adjusted with the information you want tell your doctor.Although the 3-dimensional ultrasound is safe for your health and the fetus only checks suggested for normal pregnancy are twice examination during pregnancy. The first examination in the first trimester of pregnancy and gestational age trimesester third before delivery.Thus the 3-dimensional ultrasound examination or live 3-dimensional ultrasound has advantages compared using 2-dimensional ultrasound. If when you use 2-dimensional ultrasound you will only get images of black and white while the live 3-dimensional ultrasound you can clearly see the movement of the fetus is more apparent.The use of 3-dimensional live like this you're looking at recording the movement of the baby quite clearly like a baby yawn, blink and eye-opening. Of course, this moment full of emotion besides encouraging and expecting their beloved baby into the world, you can see the healthy development before delivery.Always consult with your doctor or midwife so it can find abnormalities that may occur in pregnancy. Thus some of the abnormalities can be identified early and can be pursued for the prevention / treatment in accordance with the conditions of maternal and fetal health maintained until the day of delivery. Given the condition of pregnant women vary in each individual.

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