Overcoming drug abdominal pain during menstruation / menstrual pain

Dealing drugs eliminate the cause of abdominal pain during menstruation, and breast pain during menstruation, there are several options that can be used.
According to dr. Dwiana Ocviyanti Sp.OG., many things can be the cause of pain during menstruation - menstruation (dysmenorrhea). A common cause is a physiological condition that occurs in women who have given birth, in which the cervix is ​​still narrow. Thus, when menstruation, the uterus must be firmly contracted to remove the menstrual blood and cause pain. Other causes could be due to a tumor (myoma) or a cyst caused by endometriosis.
If you've reached the age of 25 years, should be done early examination by a gynecologist. No need to fear, because the women are unmarried, the doctor will perform checks on the abdomen with ultrasound to see the condition of the uterus and ovaries
To overcome eliminate the cause of abdominal pain during menstruation, and breast pain during menstruation, before using the drug, can follow some of these tips.
1. Tips on how to treat abdominal pain during menstruation / menstrual pain - Warm Drinks ConsumptionOne way to overcome the pain of menstruation is to consume beverages or food warm. If the pain is unbearable, overcome with warm ginger drink water or hot tea. In addition, during menstruation you can put warm soup as a meal menu.
2. Tips on how to treat abdominal pain during menstruation / menstrual pain - Compress StomachAt the time of pain or cramps hit, immediately compress your stomach with warm water. The trick, soak a towel in hot water for a few minutes, squeeze and compress directly on the stomach.
3. Tips on how to treat abdominal pain during menstruation / menstrual pain - Massage Oil White WoodAlways provide eucalyptus oil at the time of menstruation. When suddenly painful menstruation comes, apply eucalyptus oil is to the lower abdomen. Then rub your lower abdomen, and massage gently. With the eucalyptus oil will give a soothing aroma segaligus warm feeling in the stomach.
4. Tips on how to treat abdominal pain during menstruation / menstrual pain - Perform Lightweight SportsMild exercise can you do when menstruating. Get used to the streets in the afternoon or just moderate exercise. This can make your blood flow to be smooth, and the body more refreshed.,5. Tips on how to treat abdominal pain during menstruation / menstrual pain - Eating HealthyYou need to eat healthy foods, so that protein and vitamins in it could help the formation of damaged cells and treat pain. Beberpa good food for consumption, namely:· Milk has a high calcium content that can help to reduce pain when menstruating. In addition to drink milk, you can also eat foods derived from milk, such as yogurt or cheese.

Bananas contain vitamin B6 which serves to reduce pain during menstruation.· Legumes such as beans, pumpkin seeds and cashew nuts contain a lot of magnesium. In addition to helping to reduce pain, mangnesium also can improve a bad mood, and helps reduce fluid retention in the body.· The sardine is a fish that has excellent nutritional content. The content of Omega-3 fatty acids in the fish's famous delicacy, can reduce menstrual cramps. Just as milk, meat sardines are also rich in calcium which can reduce the pain when menstruating.· Pineapple is a fruit that can help you to overcome a bad mood, and reduce the accumulation of water in the body.
6. Tips on how to treat abdominal pain during menstruation / menstrual pain - Learning Distraction with Self HypnotherapyThere is one way that you can take advantage of, namely the self hypnotherapy. It was nice to help divert the pain in your mind. Hipnoterpi been very reliable powerful to deal with pain by shifting into positive things, for example in pregnancy and addiction. No harm you try, to learn self hypnotherapy from now, because it could be useful also for other things later.

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