Tips Program Twins Natural and Medical

Raising two babies at once a dream for sebagain woman, twins happy and create more family warmth created.

It's just that not all women can become pregnant kembar.Bahkan twin pregnancies are affected by genetic descent can be experienced even just randomly without known who will have the twin offspring. As the development of technology women who want a twin pregnancy may program baby twins kembar.Apakah program can be attended by all the women? How do I follow and what are the risks? This is the program of twins naturally or medically that you can know.

Twin pregnancy
Twin pregnancy occurs in a single fertilized egg cell, then divided into 2 or more embrio. While to cause pregnancy fraternal twins shared that two or more fertilized egg in the uterus. In pregnancy fraternal had amniotic sac and placenta are also separate for each embryo.

Here are some of the causes of a twin pregnancy:
Genetic factors
One of the factors that lead to twin pregnancy are genetic factors. Genetic factors in which a person who has a family and incest can give birth to twins causing great possibility to experience it.Have the More Weight LossFor women who weigh more than the ideal is more likely to have children kembar.Pernyataan is supported by research conducted by Collage Of Obstetrics Gynecology who stated that twin pregnancies often occur in the body mass of more than 30, except that in this statement should also have a family history of twins.

Age PregnancyThe next cause of twin pregnancy is a pregnancy, which in women who get twins 17% are women aged over 45 years old. Only this condition should be considered in view of the experience of women at risk of miscarriage is more vulnerable.

Program TwinsIn the past, a twin pregnancy is one of the advantages at random if there are families who conceive twins, the chances of conceiving twins will be greater. As for today, a twin pregnancy can be helped by technology that has been advanced. The program is conducted by the so-called high-tech fertility program. The program aims to stimulate ovulation in the womb and apply IVF to produce embryos that more than one in the womb.

Ever Experiencing Pregnancy TwinsWomen who have had a twin pregnancy will be a great opportunity in the next kehamilab than in women who had never given birth to twins.

Tips Program TwinsFor those of you who want a twin pregnancy, where to find out how serigkali stuck twin pregnancy myths that cause women disappointed, twin pregnancy is desired does not go there. Twin pregnancies can be planned naturally and also help medis.Program twins, only affect the percentage of 90% in women, as well as a proverb that says humans can only try to determine the role of the Lord is very influential.To maximize your efforts when it wants twins. Here is how to do:1. Taking Folic Acid SupplementsFor those of you who want to get twins, increasing folic acid consumption will trigger the inception of twins. This opportunity has a percentage of 40% if women (who have a twin descent) to consume foods that contain lots of folic acid.2. WeightWomen who have large weight and also a high posture is more chance of getting a baby kembar.Hanya any weight gain should be accompanied by exercise and a healthy lifestyle so as to ensure the mother during pregnancy and Jann still awake, keep in mind obesity during pregnancy would cause problems during pregnancy.3. Consume Dairy FoodIn the study conducted Jewish Medical Center states that foods from dairy products, namely yogurt, ice cream and cheese also will help the process to get the twins. So there is no harm for women who want the twins to increase the consumption of dairy products.4. Breastfeeding While PregnantWomen are most likely to get the twins are women who become pregnant while breastfeeding. In fact, this possibility can occur 9 times the opportunity to get children kembar.Program twins, if you're prepared to contain when your baby is still small.5. Fertilization ProgramPrograms get twins who use the latest technology is to use fertilasi program. The trick is to embed the twin embryos in the female reproductive organs and ask for the number of children who want to have.

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